写作研究员为JC的学生提供从天文学到动物学的所有学科或全球网络赌博平台的免费写作支持. 无论你在写作过程中的哪个阶段,我们都可以帮助你——从开始收集材料到结束时正确引用来源. 我们可以帮你写论文, 研究写作, 美国心理学协会, MLA, 芝加哥风格, 记事, 复习作业说明等等! We offer online/e-mail tutoring services for online students.
If you would like to schedule a tutoring session, please contact Agy教授 .
你好! 我叫奥利维亚·施罗德, 我目前正在攻读我的文科学士学位,并想追求写作和出版小说的目标. 课外活动, 我花了很多时间在舞蹈工作室, 在那里我练习芭蕾舞,并帮助教年轻的班级. 我也喜欢阅读、绘画和创作漫画! I have always had a love for writing as a form of communication, and I want to help others understand how writing can express their thoughts, 意见, 以及对他人的感受. I like helping people learn and learning from them in turn. 我努力友好和理解他人,并帮助他们表达自己的想法,以最大限度地发挥他们的潜力.
Jaykob Walcher
你好! My name is Jaykob Walcher, and I am currently attending 杰克逊的大学. 我是西北高中的学生. I am in my senior year of high school and am about half way to my associates degree. 等我上完JC的课, 我打算上一个四年的大学,在那里我希望继续学习历史和科学. 我的目标是成为一名教师. 校外活动, I like to spend time with my family and play video games. I want to help my peers develop their writing skills as a writing fellow.
你好! 奥利维亚·萨维奇报道, a sophomore enrolled at 杰克逊的大学 and excitedly representing Meadville, 宾西法尼亚, 作为一名女子足球队新兵. 我目前的努力包括攻读理科副学士学位,同时计划顺利转入一所四年制大学. 发现我真正的激情和目标的旅程是一场持续的冒险——我全心全意地拥抱它. 当我不专心上课或踢足球的时候, 我的心在漫威宇宙中茁壮成长, and I find comfort in music and the melodies of my guitar. 我最大的快乐来自于向周围的人伸出援助之手,这是我一直坚持的价值观. 正如弗丽嘉, 尊敬的阿斯加德女王, 明智的观察, the path to self-discovery often winds through failures, 但我们的真实性定义了我们., My goal is to guide my fellow classmates along their unique journeys, 尤其是在写作领域.
你好! 我叫霍普·施罗德. 这是我在JC的第二年, 一旦完成, I plan to transfer to a university to continue my studies in psychology. School was difficult for me in the past; I barely graduated high school. After high school, I attempted to study at JC and almost immediately dropped out. It wasn’t until years later that I was diagnosed with ADHD. 在接受了我需要的帮助后,我控制了我的多动症, 我决定再试一次上大学, 每一分钟我都很享受. 这段旅程让我想到了攻读心理学学位, and I can’t wait to help others meet their full potential!
Hi! 我叫布莱娜·斯内尔. 我打算在全球网络赌博平台进修,然后转到一所大学攻读教育学硕士学位. 我想从事教学工作. 我喜欢动物、旅游和写作. 我发现写作是一种很好的方式,可以让我放手,用其他方式表达我的想法. 我希望在写作上帮助其他人,这样他们也能表达自己的想法.
你好! 我叫奥德丽·比克尔. 在转到教育和舞蹈专业之前,我将在全球网络赌博平台完成我的艺术副学士学位. 我一辈子都在跳舞, 在我高中的最后一年, 我成了一名教练和编舞. Since I love what I do, it feels like a hobby and a job. 这成为了我创作的出口,帮助我发现了我对教学和帮助他人的热爱. I am a very creative person, which is partly why I am drawn to writing. Outside of work and school, I like to crochet, read, and play games with my family. 我能够顺利地从学生变成舞蹈老师的一个原因是我身边有很多支持我的导师, 我也希望为其他人做同样的事情. 如果你需要帮助,请全球网络赌博平台. 我很乐意帮助你实现你的目标.
你好,我叫塞缪尔·布朗科玛. I am currently pursuing a degree in business right here at 杰克逊的大学. I plan on transferring to a 4-year institution and getting my MBA. 我也在JC打棒球,我计划在两年之后继续我的棒球生涯. I enjoy playing video games, hanging out with friends, and sleeping. 对我来说, 人生就像过山车,有起有落——在巅峰时沉浸在时光中,在低谷时挣扎.
你好,我叫卡莉·布朗! I plan on graduating from 杰克逊的大学 with an associate degree in accounting. I hope to put my degree to use and find a good job after graduating. 校外活动, 我有一份我喜欢的全职工作, 我也喜欢购物, 旅行, 与家人和朋友共度时光. 作为一个从别人的帮助中成长的人, 我希望能帮到你, 也, 我很高兴有机会这样做!
你好! 我叫凯洛娜·巴特勒, and I plan to graduate from 杰克逊的大学 with an associate in applied science. 一旦我拿到学位, 我的目标是转到当地的一所大学继续学习工商管理. 我的一些爱好包括打篮球、去大自然散步、锻炼和游泳. 当了三年救生员,我经常遇到需要我帮忙的情况. 写作有时会很困难, but learning how to navigate through the frustration is where growth happens. 如果你需要帮助之手或几句忠告,不要犹豫,伸出手来!
La 'Trell Hardiman
你好,我叫拉特雷尔·哈迪曼. 今年春天,我将和我的文科助理一起从全球网络赌博平台毕业. 一旦我完成了全球网络赌博平台, 我将在东密歇根大学就读, 我将学习体育管理. In my free time, I like to work out and play basketball at the gym. 我是一个狂热的体育迷, 主要是篮球和足球, but I always keep an open mind towards other sports 也. 我觉得帮助别人是一件应该保持开放心态的事情,因为它能带来满足感和幸福感. 所以我喜欢帮助和善待他人.
Hi! My name is 利瓦伊莱恩, and I am a freshman at 杰克逊的大学. Although I am still uncertain of what path I want to take with my studies, 我计划努力工作,并对我在旅途中遇到的所有不同的机会保持开放的心态. 当我不上课的时候,我喜欢棒球,旅游,和我的好朋友出去玩. I believe that everyone’s life has a path that they follow. 每个人都不一样. I would love to help people find their paths and help them with their writing.
La 'Shaunnah米克斯
你好,我叫拉肖恩娜·米克斯. 我计划从全球网络赌博平台毕业,获得文科副学士学位,然后转到密歇根州立大学攻读教育学学位. 一旦我毕业,我打算教小孩子. I love working with young children; as a big sister, it comes natural. Some things I do in my free time are drawing, writing, cooking, and singing. 我的人生梦想是帮助年幼的孩子,让他们在人生中有一个最好的开端.
Brenna Pothoof
你好! 我叫布伦娜·波托夫! I am pursuing a career in Cardiac Sonography here at 杰克逊的大学. 我也是女子足球队的队员. 英语 is my favorite class, and I am always happy to write an essay! In my free time, I like to stay active by running or hiking. Spending time with friends and 旅行 with my family has been a joy in my life. 我的人生目标是帮助别人,让他们笑,尤其是当他们在黑暗的地方. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity and to start this next chapter, 我希望我能在这条路上帮助到其他人.
大家好,我是丽贝卡Uphaus. 我现在是全球网络赌博平台的一名新生,正在努力学习,希望在不久的将来能获得教师学位. After JC, I plan to continue my academics at Michigan State University. 我的梦想一直是启发和教孩子们各种迷人的写作方式. 校外活动, I love to workout, shop and attend church every Sunday. Above all, spending quality time with my family is my main priority. I truly find so much excitement in writing and hope to share some with you. 话虽如此, I can’t wait to help lead you to success and find a passion you never knew was there. 请随时与我联系!
写作研究员的使命是帮助JC学生成为更好的思考者、读者和作家. 老师的支持, 个性化辅导, 响应式阅读可以帮助学生理解写作是一个递归的过程. 我们相信,一个作家可以通过与一个敏感的、反应灵敏的读者交谈来学到很多东西, 在, 在写作和重写之后.
- 写作研究员从学生开始. 写人 always start with the student’s concerns and needs, 抛开个人议程或偏好.
- 所有的学生都做自己的作业. 写人 do not edit nor do they rewrite any portion of the tutees work. 写人 suggests strategies for revision and editing, 他们使用样本论文和工作表来帮助学生了解个人修改和编辑过程. 写人 emphasize critical thinking or meta-thinking 在 tutoring sessions.
- 写人首先解决“更高层次”的问题 比如理解任务的范围, 修辞模式或体裁期望, 目的和受众关注, 收集或发明技术, and organizational strategies before they address “lower order” concerns such syntax, 标点符号, 用法和拼写. 写作研究员强调,论文、报告或文章的重点推动了整个过程.
- 写人 adhere to the goal of independent learning,使用重定向作为策略. 写作研修生不会试图在一次会议甚至一个学期内解决所有的写作问题. 他们的目标是帮助同龄人变得更加自信和有能力的思想家、读者和作家.